In this ongoing body of work, nature becomes a metaphorical figure of the human psyche.
With « Matter », Stephanie Caldy aims to « dive into the skin of the Earth, the biofilm which covers the globe and carries all the activity of life for 4 billion years ».
In these telluric paintings on linen canvas, the contrasty though soft palette is at service of the gesture of painting, which becomes a performative act involving the artist’s entire body.
The artist becomes here a vector of expression of the nature that surrounds her.
Matter I
Arylic wash on linen canvas, Dyptich
180 x 120 cm
Matter III
Arylic wash on linen canvas
180 x 120 cm
Matter IV
Arylic wash on linen canvas
150 x 100 cm
« Matter V »
Acrylic wash and organic pigment
Diptych 200 x 150 cm.
Matter VII
Arylic on linen canvas
100 x 100 cm
Matter VIII
Arylic on linen canvas
100 x 100 cm
Matter II
Arylic on linen canvas
120 x 100 cm